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Picture Perfect :-)

So today was an exciting day for me! I got a text message last night from a friend saying he had seen a picture of me on the front of the Irish runner magazine! Unfortunately he did not have a copy so I had to wait until today to try and get my hands on it. As always I was very self critical on seeing the picture – sometimes no matter how hard you try to achieve that picture perfect look, you always manage to see the flaws in pictures of yourself.  Although in fairness if there had been a picture of me on the front cover of a magazine a few years ago I would’ve been absolutely mortified so even though I am picking fault with myself I’m of course delighted – and also happy that others will get to pick up and read the story and maybe get motivated themselves to make the changes they never thought possible. It does feel a little bit unreal to be honest………what I’m doing doesn’t always seem to sink in that its ME thats doing it! I’m not sure if that even makes sense?

Anyway – that was todays highlight, and yesterday was also a really proud day for me as I finished second in a 5 mile Trail Race in a time of 34 mins 31 seconds and achieved a new personal best! I feel sometimes like I’m on a bit of a rollercoaster ride, losing all the weight was the longest and hardest climb up a steep hill and then since I got to the top I’ve just been flying! Of course there are always a few ups and downs along the way but on the whole life is so much more of an enjoyable ride instead of the terrifying path of self-destruction I seemed to be on before.

Today and yesterday were also the weigh in day’s for many of our trial participants! I’m delighted to say everyone is still doing really well and getting on great! I won’t mention any names but I have to say a huge well done to you all, especially one particularly impressive loss of 6lbs! Wowser! Dieting is TOUGH, but just hang in there and take it one day at a time. We are all on our own little roller coaster rides with many ups and downs, all striving to get our own picture perfect moment where we are happy with what we see in the mirror and in the family photographs. All I can say is keep going, keep trying and you WILL get there 🙂

Good luck to both the trial Why Weight Ireland dieters and also others patiently plugging away trying to shed the pounds at the start of another week. Keep positive and keep moving! 🙂

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