Why Weight Ireland Local Studio Schedule
Click the ‘Book Online’ button above to see the most up to date class schedule
Keep an eye on our Studio Facebook page for all Studio updates. https://www.facebook.com/WhyWeightStudios
Time table changes periodically so please make sure to check the booking system regularly. With the new booking sYstem, any changes tHe classes, clients will AUTOMATICALLY receive an UPDATED email
Please make sure to bring a towel & water with you for all classes
*For Kettlebells & Pilates – please contact Maria on 085-158-2749
For all other booking queries please email Hannah@whyweightireland.ie or contact Hannah on 087-2908-700. If there is a personal training time you’d like please email Hannah directly and she will try to accommodate your needs as best as she can.
Our new Online Booking & Payment System now takes all bookings and payments
Physical Studio Card Payments Accepted in the studio via Chip & Pin & Contactless Technology from SumUp
MasterCard & All Visa Cards, Chip & Pin and Card Tap Accepted
![Stripe Payments](https://i0.wp.com/www.whyweightireland.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Stripe-logo.jpg?resize=356%2C61&ssl=1)