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Why Weight Runners


Why Weight Ireland® Sponsorship


Tinahely Why Weight® Runners Group

At Why Weight Ireland® we are all about making life changes. So far we have helped Why Weight Runners hundreds of people reach their goal weights, reach their fitness targets, and help people reeducate themselves about the foods they are eating. We also believe that it is important to give back to the community as much as possible. With this in mind we launched the Why Weight® Runners Group in Tinahely which has been a huge success. It is a free running group, free to join & free to run. We meet twice a week at the Why Weight Ireland® Studio in the Riverside Business Centre, Tinahely, Co. Wicklow.


Wexford Ladies Tug of War

As of October 2014, Why Weight Ireland® sponsored a Ladies Wexford Tug of War Team.

Why Weight Ireland® is one of Ireland’s leading online weight loss & fitness businesses, changing the way people think about food, their health and their bodies.

When the Ladies Tug of War team told us that their goal is to train hard and work towards eventually becoming World Champions, and after hearing about their determination and training schedules we knew we would be backing a winner.

The ladies team are all based out of Gorey, Co. Wexford and train 3 times per week for 2 hours per session. They have a team of 9 ladies, 7 of which are mothers and have a total of 21 children between them, of which one of the ladies daughters is also on the team. In the weight loss and fitness business we love the idea of fitness and strength, motherhood and beauty all going hand in hand and we feel that these ladies represent this to the core with their grit and determination to train hard.

Sue Kavanagh from Tara Hill Ladies Tug of War team said, “Being associated with a leading business like Why Weight Ireland® is tremendous for the team. With being part of a tug of war team, it is all about working together, as a team, not just with a pull but also with our weight. It’s so important for us as a team that we make our tournament weight categories and with Why Weight Ireland® on board we are sure to have this part under control.”

We asked the ladies what their goal is and they unanimously said, “We want to be World Champions“.

Why Weight Ireland® would like to wish the ladies Tug of War team all the very best in their upcoming tournaments and we will continue to offer our support when needed.


Why Weight Ireland® will continue to promote health & fitness across Ireland through various avenues including further sponsorship. Make sure to follow our Official Facebook page for news & updates

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