
The Importance of Support During Weight Loss


While I was losing my weight the one thing I found hard was finding the support to keep me going when I was feeling down. I was up in the mornings and out the door at 6am for work and not back until after 7.30pm so finding time to go to any weight loss meeting was just impossible. I promised myself when I eventually setup my own business that support would be an important part of the business as I am positive I would have reached my goal that bit sooner if I had support available to me.

You’re Not Alone

Weight loss is a personal journey—no one can do it for us. That doesn’t mean it has to be a lonely one. Every dieter will be surrounded by friends and family members who can either get away with eating whatever they feel and not gain weight – or not be watching their own weight and therefore their portion sizes will be a fair bit larger than your own. This leaves us feeling alone in our struggle to resist unhealthy foods or larger portions. However, if you have a strong system of supporters going through the same journey you are, you’ll find the path is less lonely.  It won’t be as hard to turn down a slice of the office birthday cake or your mum’s apple tart if you know others are doing the same, and having people going through the same journey as you to check in with is a great feeling when you can report back to say how great you are doing!

Weight loss support and encouragement from our friends and family is key to keeping us motivated throughout our entire weight loss journey. We tend to have plenty of motivation when we start, but to keep us motivated through our weight loss plateaus and/or setbacks we need to receive continuous support and encouragement for the energy and effort we put into obtaining our goal.  Who can you turn to when you get on those scales four weeks into your weight loss plan and the scales says you lost nothing even though you have been trying so hard?  For most people the answer is nobody.  This alone is one reason why people fail.  They hit one “hiccup”, have no one to turn to and the weight loss goes to pot.  You may be motivated by the determination of losing a certain amount of weight for a special event, for health reasons or by the desire to be able to squeeze into the perfect dress; but is that enough? Can you do it by yourself? Some say it is our need of approval that keeps us motivated.  In short, to be successful we need both – support and encouragement. We need to hear continuous encouragement to help keep us on track and focused on our ultimate goal. We also need the support to hold us accountable for our efforts.

Stop Beating Yourself Up

We are often our own worst critics. Few people would ever look someone in the face and call them a fat, ugly or a failure for eating too much. But dieters often do just that to themselves, making small defeats feel like major catastrophes. Emotional support can help us keep things in perspective. People in our support system don’t think we’re horrible if we happen to gain back a few pounds. Rather, they know and can assure us that these are the natural and expected ups and downs of weight loss. They can also help us understand why we may have indulged more than we should have, and can work with us to create a plan for next time.

Who can you turn to for support? Here are a few suggestions:

Weight Loss Buddy: Find a friend who wants to lose weight this year and lean on each other! If you don’t have a friend who is looking to lose weight why not ask one of your fellow Why Weight Ireland members in the Community group, plus you always have me to hassle you 🙂

Family & Friends: Share your goals with your family or friends. The more they know, the more they can help. Have them help you remove temptations such as snacks, drinks, etc from the house.

Co-workers: Identify someone in the office who will not only encourage you but will challenge you to take the stairs instead of the lift or walk with you during your lunch break.

Exercise Partner: Find a person you can count on to meet you one or two days a week for some type of physical exercise – walking, going to the gym, riding bikes, walking dogs, yoga, etc..This will keep you motivated on the day that you don’t feel like going out, your partner will give you the little kick that is needed!

During the course of your weight loss journey you will need the support of others to celebrate the big and little accomplishments you have achieved, as well as when things are going slowly! Your support system needs to be larger than just one person – surround yourself with people that will hold you accountable, keep you motivated and make you proud of being you!  I am always available to my members when they email me, seven days a week as well as the fantastic group of people in the Why Weight Ireland Facebook Community Group. For those members who live near Tinahely, Wicklow, they can avail of the free weigh-ins where they can come to me and have a private weigh-in and discuss how they are getting on as well as having access to the various fitness classes & private personal training available.

Stay Motivated

Emotional support doesn’t have to be just about talking and sharing our experiences. Sometimes it is about mutual reliance. If you and a workout partner always go together to exercise class, you’re more likely to work up a sweat, even when you’re feeling tired or lazy. You can encourage one another to keep going when the other looks like they may not finish the jog. Setting goals with another person also helps us to be honest with ourselves.

The key to losing weight and keeping it off is changing the way we eat, move and think. Emotional support is not only helpful, but a critical step in making these changes permanent and keeping you in your new healthy body for good.

Having the support you need is a massive part of Why Weight Ireland and if I can do anything to make the support even greater I will.

At Why Weight Ireland You Will Receive The Support To Succeed

Don’t forget to subscribe to our Why Weight Ireland Newsletter for monthly news, tips & advice. Our next newsletter is out Monday 3rd March so make sure you have registered your email address.

I have added a new “Have Your Say” section to the left sidebar of the website so I would really appreciate it if members could leave a little note on how they found their experience with us – and don’t forget to select those 5 Starts ***** 🙂

You can also join our Facebook Community Page where members & non-members can chat and support each other in a private closed group and encourage each other to success.

And of course, don’t forget to like, share and leave your lovely comments below 🙂

Hannah x

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